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Acetyl L-Carnitine 800 mg

Price: $41.00
Item Number: ace
The amino acid L-Carni- tine and its acetylated derivative, Acetyl- L-Carnitine (ALC), assist transport of fatty acids into cellular mitochondria for energy production. Both nutrients are found natur- ally in our diets. While most L-Carnitine re- search has focused on its role in cardiac and skeletal muscle, ALC research has concentrated on its role in brain and nervous system func- tion during aging. ALC can serve as a meta- bolic source of acetylcholine, a neurotrans- mitter involved in brain function. And, un- like carnitine, ALC has protective antioxidant benefit for cell membranes. ALC appears to be absorbed intact and is capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier. No significant adverse or toxic effects have been reported

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